ProovePizza cerca pizzaiolo
Cercasi pizzaiolo in Inghilterra a Sheffield.
Pizzeria italiana con forno a legna tra Manchester/Sheffield da metà Febbraio, Forno a legna, pizza Napoletana offre lavoro.
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261 Fulwood Road, Broomhill
It’s all about the Pizza
We’re just 2 guys that love pizza. But not just any pizza… great pizza! And we want everyone in Sheffield to enjoy great pizza too.
So we decided to open a restaurant in Broomhill to share our Napoli style pizza with the lovely people of Sheffield.
You will also see us ‘popping up’ here and there with our friendly mobile pizza oven in and around Sheffield.
Do come and see us – we always like to see new people eating our pizza.
So come along and tell us what you think.
If you love pizza, Proove it.